Gay Love Spirit est un réseau international.
Fais connaissance avec notre équipe !
Fais connaissance avec notre équipe !
Core Team
Moxe, né à Tel Aviv, vit à Barcelone. Depuis 12 ans, il anime différents ateliers, retraites et soirées à Gay Love Spirit autour des relations, du travail sy...
Thorsten Sheranius
Thorsten est designer, cinéaste, professeur de yoga et SI.
Thomas est sur le chemin du travail corporel, de la connaissance de soi et de la croissance personnelle depuis plus de 25 ans. Il aime le réseautage et a fon...
Luis Rodrigo
Born in Madrid, grown up under the Andalusian sun, he came to Berlin 9 years ago with the objective to continue his studies here. Indeed it was the curiosity...
Robert : un pilier de notre équipe grâce à son expérience vécue et à ses connaissances approfondies
Yoga, Touch and Communication
Guest Trainer
Sebastian has been involved in body therapy, mobility, yoga, coaching and massage for over ten years.
At the age of six, Michael spent six months begging his mother to send him to ballet classes. His mother, though somewhat surprised, finally gave in to her s...
Since 1996, Marc has been living and working with Ayurveda, which he got to know and love in India.
Teddy Østerlin Koch holds a Medical Massage Practitioner Certification, having passed his exam in 2012.
Everything is already within you, come to rest, the journey goes within.
Sadhu loves to share his gifts as a space holder and facilitator of deep process work.
Robert vR
With a background in dance, theatre and body-mind-centering, Robert now offers healing and intuitive touch as a massage therapist and healer
Noam Holdengreber is certified Feldenkrais teacher and visual artist.
Sadhu loves to share his gifts as a space holder and facilitator of deep process work.
Martin est un habitant d'adoption heureux de Stuttgart, un esprit vif avec un cœur, il a étudié les mathématiques et l'informatique et enseigne depuis de nom...
Office & Communications
Thomas is responsible for programme planning and managing the Gay Love Spirit network.
Artjom s'occupe des canaux de médias sociaux, il écrit des articles pour le blog et la newsletter et a un œil critique et constructif sur tous les aspects de...